I know what it’s like. I like to imagine, in some crazy alternative universe, Rey and Kylo Ren become empress and emperor of … “Master Skywalker.” The title came out with all the hate he’d just controlled. “You were the one who incapacitated Luke Skywalker.”, “Yes.” Finn swallowed the automatic “sir.” He felt compelled to add, “After the droid distracted him.”. “Don’t you feel it, Ben? She asked, her brow furrowed. She pressed her face to Kylo’s arm and sobbed along with them, awkwardly stroking Luke’s hair in silent understanding. He was familiar with this vessel, with the turbulence it could meet. “Probably not as many as you think. “But I meant to take over. I couldn’t get rid of him. “I’ll deal with you later.” His black gaze settled on Luke. Anyways next scene with them is the knights of ren scene where they fight at nighttime. His darkness folded around her, enveloping, possessing. And only a winter child—and the ice dragon who loved her—could save her world from utter destruction. This new edition of The Ice Dragon is sure to become a collector's item for fans of HBO's megahit Game of Thrones. He threw out his good hand, seized Rey with the Force, jerked her toward him. See what Autumn (lilfall) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Diamond-brilliant lights lit the courtyard, showing the crowd of First Order officers, stormtroopers and grey-robed Nightfolk in daylight-bright light. Knotting his hand in Luke’s hair, he pressed the older man’s face to his shoulder, muffling his sobs. Rey didn’t say anything, but she glanced at Ren. Anything to say?”, Luke’s lips twisted in a smile. I love variations on the Beauty and the Beast story, awkward courtships and slow-burn romances. Could it be? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Rey lengthened her stride to keep up. “What Hux has done—Hosnian Prime, betraying the First Order—things are moving very fast now. Here, Rey sets up a new faction of Force mystics, one that learns from the Jedi and Sith’s past mistakes and who seek to better understand the Force so that it can be used by anyone and used responsibly. It all came down to this. 1 I Am Your Father » by Tarron Lee Kylo Ren looks an awful lot like Severus Snape. Her arms wormed around him, one around his chest, the other into his hair. He spun, his utility arm shot out and he zapped Ren with a bolt of electricity. Anakin and Kylo talk, and Anakin says that even though Kylo wants the past to die, he’s been doing the same things Anakin did: hurting innocent people and pushing away those who care about him, and trying to turn off the part of his brain that wants him to be a good person. It was the first time he’d seen Rey with him that he wasn’t attacking her or carrying her off. Unfortunately for Rey, Kylo Ren also learns about the book while seeking her out during his exile. Go to the previous chapter. Hux has just the guy for the job. He’d thought Black One had been a rush. REY he 's a bb unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator -- KYLO REN he 's carrying a section of a navigational chart . If I commanded you right now to kill Rey, you’d do it.”, “Then we’re still not fit for our duty, sir,” E.L. said. She became aware of Luke’s eyes on them. Protecting the people on Jakku.”, She shifted uneasily. Night strangles his Brightness, the Nightfolk said. She objects and says she’s going to take him in, but Ben tells her he’s going to make amends to the galaxy the only way he knows how. The lights of spacecraft took the place of stars. His thumb traced an arc of silent thanks across the inside of her wrist. “Oh!” Rey said. Everything that happened on Ahch-To focused with blinding clarity—his attempts to get rid of her, his refusal to teach her. Magar said he turned Sith.”, “Be silent, girl,” Luke snapped. She felt his mind ripped apart, every fear that lived in him flensing his consciousness. I’d want some new characters kicking around, though. What would I keep? Experience the Star Wars saga reimagined as an Elizabethan drama penned by William Shakespeare himself, complete with authentic meter and verse, and theatrical monologues and dialog by everyone from Luke Skywalker to Rose Tico. Luke was going to kill them. He wanted to comfort her, but anything he said would sound self-serving. I wouldn’t want to tell a story “for the fans;” I’d want to tell a story. The resulting volume is an entertaining and atmospheric compendium of wintry delights. How frustrating that he can’t meet the mysterious man who dances practically naked on YouTube but he can’t seem to shake off the awkward slab of muscle he met before the show… I’d want to at least try to tie together the themes laid out by The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, the themes of crawling through of the wreckage left by your forebearers, and of trying to find yourself in a vast universe of legends and legacies, a story that tells you that anybody – hotshots, labourers, deserters, and ordinary kids rummaging around in junkyards – can become somebody. On the other, Rey was right, and he could hardly agree with her. A new scar slashed his cheek, there were dark circles under his eyes, and lines of tension marked his mouth and between his brows. Save. Darkness, Take My Hand – a Reylo story – Chapter 62, Darkness, Take My Hand – a Reylo story – Chapter 64. There are three core stories in my version of Rise of Skywalker. There had been long discussion between the Jannessi, Bright and Night, while they both ignored the demanding, outraged shrieks of the captive where he writhed on the ground and tore up tufts of grass in his fury. As a girl who loves the prequels and the sequels, I thought a perfect bday gift … I shut myself off from the Force. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The Ghostling children live on a beautiful, isolated workd, safe from harm, until they are captured by an evil trader. Let’s go find out! It’s all about the relationship! Saved by A Jedi. The Nightfolk crumpled Rey’s shields and ripped into her mind. She smiled and nodded. Finn understood exactly why. It was bound to happen. I tried. I wouldn’t have been able to see it before. Where children aren’t abandoned to live or die.”. Meetings were also help two to three times a week to discuss the Resistant's next course of action. Arianna’s POV: The rage, it was so unlike myself, so unwanted and foreign, but I couldn’t control it. The Star Wars fandom is a dodecahedron; it’s nothing but corners. When he saw it, he realized some part of him must be afraid she’d try to run again. Kylo just watched, his fists clenched, a mad, avid light in his eyes. Not here, not now. She put her arms around them both and opened herself wide to the Force, letting every bit of light in her pour over them, these two men tortured and twisted by darkness that wasn’t their own. You will not save him. Among them is the newly-dubbed Jedi, REY KENOBI. Kylo Ren has captured Rey. Kylo opened the bond fully. Let’s give him a Star Wars-y name like …Trax Boldera. An arranged marriage is the last thing either of them wants, but once they discover their strange connection, Ben and Rey will be forced to put their allegiances on the line and decide what is worth fighting for. “He’s trying to make you kill him.”, Kylo didn’t take his eyes of Luke. No. The Millennium Falcon has been shot down, its crew surviving the crash but surrounded by both forces. The New Age: Kylo Ren Star Wars Fanfiction. Rey sets off with Poe, BB-8, and a small gang of Resistance expendables to get there before Ren does. What does that say about you, Uncle?”, “It says you failed both your masters, dark and light,” Luke shot back. Orphan Rey has never seen a sunset that wasn’t set over sand. “Yes, but…” She glanced away, then raised her eyes to his again. “You helped rid the galaxy of a great evil. Kylo just took her hand and held it in a firm, reassuring grasp. Anyway, they get into trouble. “I saw what Luke did to you on Kes. It would let her feel his worry, but he needed her to know his intent. I think it’s apparent that he loves her—as he was “destined” to defeat his equal in the light yet he chose instead to save her, chose her over Snoke and then offered her to rule the galaxy with him. He would have too. High-quality reproduction giclee prints from the original created by illustrator – artistIgnacio RC. Rey’s hand fell to her lightsaber and the Force shivered around her. Summary. This is easy enough to do in a single novel or in a single film; it’s hard to do in a trilogy or a long-running series, especially one where the creative teams switch out regularly, and especially a trilogy that is itself part of a trilogy of trilogies. The Nightfolk took up their captive and carried him down into the caverns that honeycombed the earth. “Ben, it wasn’t their fault, remember?” she said quickly. I’m a fan of the original trilogy, Rogue One, the first two seasons of The Mandalorian (I don’t intend to watch any more), and while I liked some of the ideas in the prequel trilogy, I don’t think they were executed properly. It was what he saw and felt, overwhelming her. The final battle becomes a massive three-way brawl between the Sith, The First Order (led now by Allegiant General Pryde), and The Resistance, in which everyone and their dog descends on Zadan. Yes, came the emotionless whisper. A rustling and a strange purl of energy through the Force finally broke though his contentment. Notes: Events take place after TFA. He decides to capitalise on this opportunity and insert himself into the life of his beloved grandfather Anakin … I’ve got a good reason for this, I swear. Previous Chapter. 319 votes, 15 comments. Rey, meanwhile, returns to Jakku and liberates it from Unkar Plutt and the Junk Barons. I know it’s important to a lot of people, however, and I can see why The Rise of Skywalker was made the way it was. It was cunning. He corners Finn and Rey and they fight on a stretch of wreckage. The war is lost. But she was glued to the ground. Kylo watched her as she walked with him through the endless corridors of the Imperial palace. Rey tried to avoid these meetings though. He pulled the Silencer into a sharp climb. In his mind. She didn’t pull her hand from his, but it stirred in his grasp. Finn and Poe race to save them, but are flanked by TIE Fighters. It was morbid and lovely all at once. “Sidious?” Even the single word shook. The man stepped forward and stood at attention. Kylo opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Kylo Ren is not the cold, calculating ruler everyone hoped he would age into. It should be one that shows how all the major players in your narrative grow and how they stay the same, and ties up any and all loose ends wherever it can. You are definitely not the first person I’ve encountered who prefers Edmund/Susan and Peter/Lucy. I had a lot of thoughts and realized I probably couldn’t scrawl out everything in a meandering Facebook post, so I decided to take it to my WordPress page, restarting this previous blogging style of mine along the way. NaruHina Fanfiction Recommendations. She could feel it, the dark side as thick and heavy as it had been in that hidden Imperial base on Jakku. Okay, that’s a stretch. He’d told her on Kes, but she hadn’t understood: he didn’t trust himself. DISCLAIMER: This is a Star Wars post and also essentially fanfiction. His hands clenched and unclenched, and a ripple went through the Force. Blinding, breathtaking rage seized her, and her vision tunneled down until the only thing she could see was Luke—. The weird thing about being a Star Wars fan is that everyone has their vision of what Star Wars is and isn’t, what does and does not make something Star Wars. She’d known. Twenty-five-year-old Jack Sparrow is a clean-cut merchant seaman pursuing a legitimate career as a first mate for the East India Trading Company. For that, you’re officially pardoned. May add chapters, may not. Each side of the “love square” makes sense in its own way to me. The Nightfolk moved, suddenly putting themselves between Kylo and Luke. He tutted. “I would have destroyed him.” A shiver travels up her arm and down her spine. Honed by the dark side. After years of plotting in secrecy, he and his Master will take revenge on the Jedi Order--and the once-mighty Republic will tremble... The savage story of Darth Maul has been shrouded in mystery--until now. we need the last piece . On the whole, she didn’t think she’d like it. He watched narrowly as Ren pulled out a chair for her and waited until she sat before taking his own seat. Kylo knew exactly what she was doing—he didn’t try to pull her back. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Rey escapes and Ben channels his powers into spreading the explosions across Exegol as the Sith try to stop him. More and more she was able to recognise outlines of a … Meanwhile, The First Order is falling apart from within. ... Rey: We saved the galaxy ! But just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared, and Kylo Ren turned. Breaking cycles of suffering is the only way to kill the past, Anakin tells Kylo – who he calls Ben during this whole scene – and also says that it’s not too late for Ben to change. “That’s a question that will likely come up, yes. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Thank you for reading, and see you next time! Anakin Skywalker,". Hux would’ve killed me if Ben hadn’t gotten me out of there.”, Ren gave an annoyed huff and said to Finn, “Take your droid and go before I change my mind.”. It sounded crazy, but somehow wasn’t. No! in which a sassy mechanic is talked into helping a really attractive pilot save the world from the deadly first order. She holds her own, but Palpatine proves to be too powerful, destroying her lightsaber. Saved by Natalie Bisping. Meanwhile, the unconscious Kylo Ren awakens in a dreamscape that looks an awful lot like a Naboo forest. Koti laughed. They had to be ready when Luke tried something, because she knew with gut-level certainty that he would. The blade slashed into the ground but did not hit Rey. based on this prompt. “You told me—there will always be more Unkar Plutts. I couldn’t shut him out. Not after what happened in that shuttle. Purple lightning burst from the center of the Nightfolk, threw them back. They were quiet a while, but he felt worry begin to thread through her. She straightened, peering out. But I can now.” He took a breath and swallowed once. Luke was screaming. And yet, when Kylo Ren takes to the tiny stage in heavy skirts, a black mask and very little else, Hux soon finds himself reassessing the situation. Emotion churned through the bond, but Rey couldn’t say what it was—only that it was very, very dark. Rey fights her way through the Sith and confronts Palpatine, attached to a nightmarish apparatus that is both throne and war machine. The Phantom of the Opera (1910) is a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux. Originally serialized in Le Galois, the novel was inspired by legends revolving around the Paris Opera from the early nineteenth century. “I’ve been looking for you, Uncle. Not so long ago in a galaxy relatively close by, a ragged alliance of rebels engages in an epic struggle to free their world from the grip of LORD BARON and the HEGEMONIC CRUX. interrogated?—by a Security Bureau officer named Dare and one of the grey-robed aliens. She frowned. No! It’s Luke!”. Ben Solo summons all of his strength to pull apart the apparatus holding Darth Sidious together. “I know, Uncle Luke. “Not everyone will agree. ... i-am-drowning-in-the-rain. She kissed him back just as fervently. Rated Teen # reylo# reylo fic# reylo fanfic# reylo fanfiction# reylo one-shot# zoawrites# zoasworks# have mood board make post# i have no chill# shameless self promotion#reylo au. That means we have a responsibility to use it.”. “It’s showing another way. His face was completely impassive, but he breathed hard. Never will be. Some folks are in-between. I think a good ending is one that sticks to the themes laid out in the series and gives you a logical conclusion. Breaking free of the Night-one, she reached out through the Force again. “You may have saved Rey’s life,” Ren said. The Duel by Ignacio RC Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker interpretive artwork featuring Kylo Ren and Rey in a duel. He’s strategic, intelligent and respected for his abilities. “Sir, we failed you. Rey leapt to her feet. Kylo Ren, Rey, and you were standing; only the man was not holding onto the back of a seat to keep himself steady. “Like—” Kylo hesitated, then said, “Like me?”. Rey swallowed. Ren looked the worse for wear. And she enjoyed how the pleasant steam, scented or not, had a way of filling her head and drowning out some of her louder thoughts. He wrapped her in his arms and his power, trying to subdue her without hurting her. If they wanted to.”. What he’d done hadn’t even been his fault. I think setting up Kylo Ren as the new Supreme Leader of the First Order is fun, and I wanted to see how a temperamental man-child with a baker’s dozen of issues would absolutely ruin this organization. Breath left him in a relieved gust. The other reason is so Leia Organa can die peacefully off-screen and we don’t have to have a CGI Leia prancing around so we can then write in her death and subsequent awkward funeral sequence. Sadly, as you expected, I do not have any recs for you. That was probably the least embarrassing caption. This would make a freakin awesome Harry Potter/ Star Wars crossover. He will shatter, he will be reforged, and his destiny will be revealed. Snoke awaits. The Knights of Ren await. Ben Solo's path to his true self begins here... Collecting: Star Wars: The Rise Of Kylo Ren (2019) 1-4 "I know what I need to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. “What about BB-8? Using the tech around Palpatine and combining her Force powers with Ben’s, they ignite it, vaporizing the Emperor and destroying a large part of the room. He kissed her like he’d devour her. “Were they sleepwalking when they fired on you?”. Kylo is brought to Exegol and a ritual is conducted, forcing Kylo into a coma and using Dark Science to channel his energy into the crispy cadaver of ol’ Darth Sidious. Anyway, I reached out to some friends and asked if I should write out what I would’ve done if I wrote the last installment in the new Star Wars trilogy, a divisive film that hobbyists are still fighting over. Rey found her fingers linked through his. In this thorough account of one of cinema's most lasting works, Kaminski presents the true history of how "Star Wars" was written. For this unauthorized account, he has pored through more than 400 sources. And that’s before Jerin even comes to the capital—where simmering political tensions will threaten not just their love, but all their lives... “Don’t plan on getting anything else done if you start a Wen Spencer novel; they are ... There are thousands (possibly millions) of people like Rey or Finn in the universe, people who can connect with the Force but don’t know how. The criticisms that I find really bizarre, however, are the ones where people tried to apply logic and physics to the space battles in The Last Jedi. Crafting a massive timeline for when and how everything happens and connecting the dots between events on-and-offscreen does not appeal to me. The same Ben Solo she saw that night in the hut on Ach-To. The force is strong with you, and if used for good, you will become more powerful then you can possibly imagine,", "It's time...Time I told you about my father. Article from celtic-shell.tumblr.com. Always there for me, saved my life a couple times," he said, a sad smile crept onto his face as he reminisced. Dare hurried forward to address him. "Rey!" This causes the upper echelons of the Order to seek drastic measures. Green bolts shot from its laser cannons, sending hapless TIEs spinning. That’s when I knew he made you bring me.”, Finn lowered his head. All that training. His eyes lifted once to meet hers, then fell away again. My version of Rise takes place three years after the events of The Last Jedi. Rey grabbed Kylo’s wrist. “Then a scavenger girl showed me another way. A Conflicted New Home. She looked down. We'll see. He couldn’t lose control. She collapsed to her knees drowning in tears, rage and red hot fury. He didn’t realize how much he’d missed her until he did. Slowburn Reylo; smut. Han’s gaze snapped to mine. oc ] Fanfiction Romance Science Fiction Action Rey Space Adventure Star Wars Kylo Ren Poe Dameron Nov 18, 2018 - “Rey opened her eyes and tried to find out where she was. Kylo Ren's best feats:-stopped a blaster with modern cgi force-survived blaster hit because of plot. He sent her flying backwards with a blast of the Force. We have destroyed him. Darth Vader, the evil emperor's powerful enforcer, sets out to eliminate all resistance to the Empire, a mission that reveals his true strength and role as the Emperor's iron fist. She had a feeling his forbearance wouldn’t extend to Finn and Luke. Rey felt nothing but rage and anger. “You know nothing.”. The Resistance lives on in them.” Ben and Chewie disappear for days at a time, not telling anyone what they’re looking for, nor asking questions. Remember what happened on Kessel!”). No clue where to even start. Her hands in his hair pulled him down, his arms crushed her slight body to his. He hesitated by the door, looked back at Rey. This is the Star Wars ebook you're looking for. If you want to comprehend the epic and intricate Star Wars saga, this is the ebook for you. Mostly it will be watching for trouble before it starts. As she brought her attention back to Ren, she couldn't help but think that the General had a point. This time, the look Rey shot Ren was obviously annoyed. Alright, I told myself I wasn’t going to do a Star Wars post but here I am. The towering pyramids of the Imperial palace rose against a sky that graduated from gold at the horizon, through pink and mauve to the soft blue of evening. © 2013 Flying Tiger Press. White-hot rage blazed along the bond. Let Carrie Fisher go in peace. “They’ve become sort of a…” she began to explain, then fumbled. Even after what Luke had done to Ben, even after he’d tried to kill her. “Do you like what we’ve been doing? Pinocchio, The Tale of a Puppet follows the adventures of a talking wooden puppet whose nose grew longer whenever he told a lie and who wanted more than anything else to become a real boy.As carpenter Master Antonio begins to carve a block ... Yes, we’re doing a “Steve Rogers Grabs Thor’s Hammer” moment. “But I understand why you didn’t.”. His father killed its body, but as it died it used its power in the Force to transfer its essence. His heart in his throat, he plunged on. Either way, he can’t be sensed anywhere; he’s more ghost than ghost. “—are responsible for your actions there. She liked the way the water made the skin on her fingers pucker if she stayed in it too long. Finn had hurt her. The man looked distinctly uncomfortable. 8.9k members in the reylo community. As the temperature rises between them, they run west to escape their ghosts, together. "I don't understand Master, what do you mean by alter ego?" The ship had lifted into the sky again. It’s been a long time. Kylo grabbed her, pulled her around, caught her jaw and forced her to look at him. Negotiations will be open and honest.”. Kylo Ren held out his lightsaber, and put in Han Solo's hands, without letting go. He would have too. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo se debate entre el bien y el mal en las ruinas de la estrella de la muerte después del enfrentamiento con Rey. Happen any way I needed to Luke stood up abruptly, `` just some bad dreams ''. Then fell away did! ” Luke sobbed again custody and await your orders. ” his.... She perceived the blue lights which shone from all directions much more another glance Rey! His personal cruiser a healer of the Opera ( 1910 ) is test! You, '' her guts and darkness erupted like pus from a shouting wookie so! Calculating ruler everyone hoped he would remained unchanged, bobbing gently as the Sith and the TIEs with... They stood under guard of both stormtroopers and Nightfolk—E.L., Snap, and! 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