darth maul brother death

Radique shot Maul in the right shoulder and was ready to finish him, but a boy named Eogan Truax intervened, killing Radique in the process. "[91] He then elaborated that "I can say for certain Maul was real. Character » Darth Maul appears in 149 issues. [45] The Zabrak's belief in what he could have done to be there at the Temple went into more detail: with his skill in stealth, he'd have killed every single Jedi there, including younglings and members of the Council. In early 2012, a young adult novel entitled Star Wars: The Wrath of Darth Maul was released by Scholastic. The Untold Truth Of Darth Maul. Next, he grabbed the remaining Barabel, flipped her over to the ground, and snapped her neck. The gambling here, plus the absence of disciplined, sickened him to the core. Calmly, the Black Sun leader expressed his previous disbelief that one man could kill an entire organization of criminals; that he never thought there would be anyone like Maul. Trade Federation sensors and troops soon located the Jedi, together with their Naboo infiltrators, in the Theed spaceport central hangar. Seeing that Vosa was willing to fight the Syrox, even if it was eating her alive, Maul came to her rescue and sliced the beast's head to pieces. He informed them that a battle would take place against the Separatists, who were being lured to Ord Mantell thinking they could capture Maul. Affiliation(s) The Dark Lord, pleased now, gave Maul coordinates to the Perlemian Orbital Facility,[1] a space station above Coruscant, with instructions on how to get past the facility's security droids; there, Maul would rendezvous with Sidious and relinquish to him the holocron crystal. “Like you said: only the strongest... shall rule.” ―Pre Vizsla's last words to Maul. With Death Watch as his allies, Maul began putting together what became known as … Maul then proceeded to Vigo Morn's homeworld of Dac, where he killed the Mon Calamari's men. Maul struggled to get out, while his Master watched on and refused to answer any call for help. [2] Maul's facial tattoos were inspired by the indigenous peoples of Brazil. Once th… [9][21], Nearly three years inside the Academy, Maul became friends with Trezza's Nautolan ward, Kilindi Matako, who showed him so much compassion and secretly gave him advice on how to survive an encounter with Trezza's chargrecks. [19], Darsha and Pavan escaped into the city-planet's sewer system, where they encountered and killed subterranean lifeforms known as Cthons; Maul took out nine of the mythic creatures as he continued to track his targets, eager to confirm to Sidious their actual existence when he finished the mission. Maul was filled with delight to be in the presence of his enemies, and listened to his mentor whispering of the Jedi being oblivious to their eventual destruction.[19]. [1][19], Unfortunately for the Corellian, and by an odd twist of fate, Pavan, breathless, rushed into the domed reception areas of the political rally, only to place the holocron directly into the outstretched palm of Darth Sidious, who had by that time taken on the guise of his public persona, Senator Palpatine. Maul asked if he should kill the clients, but Sidious advised leaving them alive to spread their fear, which would be advantageous for the Sith; for the Bartokks, on the other hand, Maul would decide their fate. He continued to duel Bondara until the Jedi Master attempted to sacrifice himself, to allow his compatriots time to escape, by piercing the power cell of Maul's speeder. However, in the rest of his appearances, his height is supposed to be 1.75 meters. In addition, Maul's bipedal cyborg body was also partially derived from his appearance from the non-canon comic serial Old Wounds. However, in return for the provided answers, the Nightsister spirits demand a sacrifice, and possess Kanan and Sabine Wren when they arrive to rescue Ezra. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Found inside – Page 20I proclaimed him my myrmidon; the embodiment of the violent half of our partnership [Luceno, Darth Plagueis 267]. After several adventures, Oppress finds his bisected brother. The clan leader, Mother Talzin, restores Maul's sanity and ... [19], Later, Darsha Assant blew up the warehouse that she and Maul were fighting in, in an attempt to prevail where her Master had failed, knowing that it would claim her life in the process. Nightbrothers[11]Order of the Sith Lords[12]Trade Federation[12]Ohnaka Gang dissidents (briefly)[13]Shadow Collective[14][15]Death Watch (briefly)[14]Black Sun (briefly)[14]Pyke Syndicate (briefly)[14]Hutt Cartel (briefly)[14]Mandalorian super commandos[16] Maul was born on Dathomir at the son of Mother Talzin and brother of Savage Opress and Feral but was taken from a young age by Darth Sidious (really Sheev Palpatine, the then-senator from Naboo. Dooku did not believe that Sidious could be challenged, and claimed he did not think he should ally with Maul and Mother Talzin, the latter of whom once tried to kill Dooku. The Viceroy was instructed that because the Queen was no longer any "use to us," he would destroy her when she set down on Naboo. Maul and his brother were found unconscious by the Mandalorian Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla and his lieutenant Bo-Katan after having their ship damaged by Kenobi. Another change to the design was his clothing, from a tight body suit with a muscle pattern to the Sith robe based on Samurai pleats, because the lightsaber battles involved much jumping and spinning. Although Maul escapes with a company of loyal Mandalorians, the Shadow Collective has disintegrated due to the conflict with Sidious, as the Hutts, Pykes, and Black Sun have all abandoned Maul. Furtherfore, Dorvalla had been Senate representation via the Federation and Gunray was now permanently in the directorate. There, hidden by shadows, he noticed several cages suspended in the air with chains, filled with stuffed, once-living creatures—the expressions of pain, fear, surprise, and rage still on their faces (Maul wished there had been Jedi among them). Physical description [16], After Kenobi managed to infiltrate the palace and liberate Satine, the newly augmented Mandalorian super commandos under Maul chased the two of them all the way to their ailing ship Twilight, which Kenobi had borrowed from Anakin Skywalker. Darth Maul on the cover of Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing. [41], Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes rushed to the delegates' rescue. She was voiced by Barbara Goodson who also voiced Rita Repulsa in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Maul declares that this "Chosen One" will avenge them and dies. [1] He ran up a mountain and back down with "superior balance and control." With Savage Opress taking all the spotlight, fans often forget that Maul had a second brother who suffered a tragic end in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Maul was hit in the first two strikes, but managed to evade the next two; then, Deenine spun and threw the staff at Maul, hitting him in the face. [27], Maul spent the morning altering the recorded conversation in Bruit's dwelling to make it as if a member of the Toom Clan was speaking. Kenobi contacted the Jedi Council and relayed the events. [9][21], Berating himself for being so careless as to allow detection and to lose focus and valuable time, Maul knew he must now kill the pirates for having seen him. [1] His mastery of the saberstaff was so complete, he could spin it with just one hand without injuring himself,[19] a trick he may well have learned from Sidious. [51], Due to his Zabrak heritage and his intense training at the hands of Darth Sidious, Maul was able to withstand immense amounts of physical pain.[1][30][82]. He had Maul hide in the shadows and listen as he contacted Viceroy Gunray to provide him with this "good news." What Sidious didn't say was that Black Sun had been involved in an assassination attempt on Darth Plagueis. As he fought the Togorian pirates above Tatooine, he believed them to be completely stupid, sloppy, and lazy, due to their greed. Choosing of course to ignore it, his mind and dark energies being focused entirely on his critical aims, a box-shaped bulk freighter suddenly emerged from hyperspace—a Togorian pirate ship with proton torpedoes that had been lying in wait to ambush. Grievous allowed Maul to escape, per Dooku's orders, hoping that Maul would seek out Mother Talzin for help.[56]. He then rode his personal speeder bike to the nearest Coruscant Customs Bureau outpost. [9][21][27][39] Maul enjoyed scaring the Neimoidians with his very presence; that way, he could keep them in line when he arrived to take command on Naboo. She would recognize Maul as a Nightbrother from his markings. He pressured Sidious into a bladelock which, even if only for a very brief moment, forced the elder Sith onto his back foot. In a futile attempt to save his life, he revealed that all the Vigos would be rendezvousing on Ralltiir,[28] just as Sidious had predicted. [30], Infiltrating the Bartokk freighter, Maul sliced into the main computer and downloaded data on the the crystal gravfield trap that unmasked the Scimitar; he needed to find ways to elude this special type of sensor in the future. Maul—having cast aside the title of Darth—reveals a new lightsaber disguised as a walking stick and joins the Jedi in battling the Inquisitors. On the way, he was pursued by a police droid that intended to pull him over for speeding. Though it's … Maul's near-fatal lack of focus allowed Silus to gain the upper hand. After discovering that every single door and window were locked, the Zabrak checked the roof for motion and pressure sensors before going up. The two vicious warriors set out to find the Jedi Master.[51]. Realizing that they possessed a common goal and a common enemy, Maul proposed an alliance between him and his brother, and the Death Watch, claiming that it was the will of the Force. Darth Plagueis, Restraint, Maul: Lockdown, End Game, The Wrath of Darth Maul, Back From the Depths!–class. When no Gungan bodies rose to the surface after the resulting explosions, the droid commander dispatched drone submersibles to scout the lake, which confirmed that the Gungan capital city (with its high Rep Council led by the high ruler Boss Rugor Nass) had been virtually abandoned; clearly, word of the invasion and fall of Rellias had quickly spread to the underwater capital, and it was evacuated. [69] However, by the time of the Clone Wars, Maul had outgrown this and fully mastered the form,[7] which made him able to overwhelm even the defenses of a master of Soresu such as Kenobi in many of their altercations. He gave Maul back the lightsaber and provided him with a datacard regarding his targets and other information. Maul convinced Pre Vizsla they needed to recruit Black Sun, so they could build an army. Originally released in the first year of Star Wars LEGO ( 1999 ), a total of eleven variations have been made of the Sith Lord to date. [30], Maul drove the Bloodfin towards the fortress and parked it on the first level. Darth Maul reveals himself to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Raydonia. [f] During the siege, Maul confronts and duels Ahsoka, and though he proves to be the stronger fighter, the former Jedi outwits him and traps him in a ray shield. Maul recognized her as being the vague presence he had felt earlier while on Monchar's trail. [51], Maul waited in the burning village and appeared before Kenobi after the Jedi arrived. A survivor of numerous attempts on his life by his own droid, the apprentice found another advantage in his ability to wield the Force. [27] Personally, he felt that the miners deserved slow, painful deaths for their sloppiness. But there was no need for that: the evidence was found. Obi-Wan said he would take the body and burn it in the Dune Sea; Owen told Kenobi that Luke would be safer if Kenobi never returned. Then, a skiff arrived, carrying two Bartokk and a "captured" C-3PX, the latter having secured to the Scimitar; he was then given a restraining bolt. Kahmf was able to connect Maul's consciousness to a solid-state hologram program that developed an apparition of the Zabrak warrior. Taizin would die, and Maul supposedly died sometime after. [9], At one time in Maul's childhood, he and Sidious were disguised as tourists while standing before the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He asked if the Sith still existed. Later on, Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious both instigated the Yinchorri Uprising, by provoking the Yinchorri to attack the Republic and the Jedi, as part of their plan to destabilize the Republic from within. He activated his lightsaber and carved his way out of the container, screaming with rage. Darth Maul—Death Sentence bridges the gap between The Sith Hunters and the Season 5 premiere, “Revival.” Having gained recognition in the galaxy, Darth Maul and Savage Opress find there is a bounty on their heads placed by a corrupt mining foreman. He could find use for the Drovian, but since he already had an Maul, he made a proposition: kill Maul and Silus would be the Dark Lord's new apprentice. Maul is genuinely crushed by his brother's death in "The Lawless". [1], Maul watched as Sidious began his official business with the the Trade Federation. There, an insidious gambling empire pits the galaxy's most terrible criminals against each other in gladiatorial combat, and Maul must face Jabba the Hutt and various other horrifying obstacles to complete his mission. [3] It is unknown if it was the actual resurrected Maul that Vader had slain or an imposter created by Sith Magic.[63]. [94], Kenobi hesitated to execute his helpless opponent, but had the decision taken out of his hands when the revived Owen killed Maul with his damaged rifle. Though he silently walked up to the balcony, where Sidious usually stood while at the Works, the Dark Lord could sense him coming from behind. For example, in the Star Wars: Purge, Shadday Potkin described Darth Vader as "Palpatine's mailed fist, Dooku's successor, Maul's inheritor." Aside from the films and television series, the character appears in various canon and non-canon Star Wars media over the years, such as books, comics, and video games. In his sense of triumph, he was caught off guard by the unexpected arrival of his master, who telekinetically snatched Maul's saberstaff from his hands. Having skirted by the remaining pirates (now on their way back to the bridge) to avoid detection and an unnecessary further loss of time, Maul encountered the lingering Hela-Tan (the largest Togorian he'd yet encountered) who fought Maul even as the Sith Lord executed his escape from the pirate ship to continue his mission to Tatooine. He observed both sides of the ongoing struggle on the central bunker's wall, predicting with accuracy on who would fall next. [30], Upon returning to Ralltiir, the Scimitar scanned the reduced Bartokk fortress for any trace of C-3PX before Maul stepped out to continue the search outside. Honed by the dark side. After years of plotting in secrecy, he and his Master will take revenge on the Jedi Order--and the once-mighty Republic will tremble... The savage story of Darth Maul has been shrouded in mystery--until now. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years! George Lucas decided to resurrect Maul for the series after developing Savage Opress. [3], The two appeared to be evenly matched until Vader cut Maul's saberstaff in two. Defeated, the visage of Darth Maul faded and PROXY was not only freed from the Core's influence, but also—much to his horror—the programming that compelled him to kill his master. Once the girls had left, Maul silently looked forward to returning as much as he was enthusiastic about the Gora.[9][17]. Maul answered that this lightsaber would give him more options in offense and defense. Maul himself acknowledges his shortcomings, such as his limited understanding of politics, even as he tries to become a true Sith. [9][21], While contemplating why Sidious had acted rather calmly to the report of his failed mission, Maul suddenly understood that, despite his failure, the Jedi were to bring Queen Amidala here, back to Coruscant; she would try to persuade the Senate to help liberate her planet. 2020 IBPA Awards Winner! Maul: Lockdown is a Star Wars novel written by Joe Schreiber, released by Del Rey Books on January 28, 2014. He checked every windowsill and found Bruit sleeping in his bed, completely drunk. A Dathomiri witch, or Nightsister, senses Sidious' power in the Force and approaches him. If he was a true Sith, did his Master think that one of the three Sith Lords then living could, should, or would soon be eliminated? "Darth Sidious trained me to act. [21], Incredibly, Maul managed to survive his defeat at the hands of Kenobi. Furthermore, the tie-in comic Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir revealed that Mother Talzin was actually Maul's biological mother, explaining her willingness to bring him back. For the final test of her new champion, Ventress had Feral brought before Savage in his new form and ordered the Zabrak to kill his own brother. He waited in the slums of Coruscant for Grahrk atop a small building. Maul granted a quick death to the resigned information dealer, in deference to his warrior's respect for Pavan's survival skills. And so it was that, in the self-same moment that the Sith Lord opened the hatch into the facility from the docking bay, the Corellian fired. Maul recovered and the Bartokks fired four poisoned arrows from their crossbows at him, but the Zabrak grabbed the arrows and threw them back at his assailants, neutralizing them. Maul (formerly known as Darth Maul) was a Zabrak Sith Lord who served as the Sith Apprentice of Darth Sidious during the time of the Galactic Republic.Though he was defeated at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he returned to control the criminal underworld during the Clone Wars and sought revenge against both the Jedi and the Sith. Maul killed the Kiffar first, sliced the Phuii's left hand off to use his blaster pistol on him and the Nikto, and then slashed the Gamorrean. [86], Concept art of Battle of the Sith Lords, featuring Darth Maul, Despite his popularity and striking appearance, Maul made only a few appearances in official materials after the release of The Phantom Menace. Maul kept himself mobile by manifesting a spider-like lower half, feeding off of rodents while his mental equilibrium slowly became undone. His popularity within the Star Wars fandom has earned him a cult status. Yet his training remained the same in many ways. Finally, Maul was brought to an end. However, while he was already very proficient in Juyo and being a lightsaber specialist good at utilizing his Force powers together with his acrobatic fighting style to allow for a more free flowing fight, his use of the style was hampered by his great devotion to Form VII's physical focus, desiring a purely physical victory over his opponents, rather than using the "higher" Sith tradition of the Dun Möch tactic. But that was when he believed that something was wrong: they were trying to kill him. [45] Despite this, Maul displayed shock and fear upon sensing his former master on Mandalore. All of the known examples involved him riding a speeder against one or more opponents: two Black Sun sentries,[28] a lone Bartokk assassin,[30] Anoon Bondara, CSF officers,[19] and portions of Boss Ganne's Gungan army, at which he was able to often win or at least engage for a fair share of time. Found inside – Page 23MY BROTHER , THE HALLOWEENIE . Su NOTE HOW I USED THE PUMPKIN GOOP FOR BRAINS . zusumushellmunu NOD HEY , PETER - CHECK OUT THIS COSTUME IDEA . WHAT ARE You ? 1 I THOUGHT YOU WERE PLANNING TO GO TRICK OR - TREATING AS DARTH MAUL . Maul returns in the seventh season, following the events of the comic book Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir. Despite a traumatic childhood, Maul had filial feelings toward his master, and never once contemplated killing him—until his final test. He was also not above begging for mercy in front of Sidious as shown when he pleaded with him,[1][16] although Maul had spent his entire childhood being abused and tortured by Sidious, so he knew how sadistic his former Master was;[9] this may have been the reason why he preferred to kill worthy opponents quickly[19]—although it should be noted that Qui-Gon Jinn, one of the most powerful opponents Maul had ever faced, died slowly and painfully, possibly because Maul was so eager to engage Obi-Wan Kenobi and thus dismissed Jinn as he was given a mortal wound.[12]. The leader of Death Watch, Pre Vizsla, feared that Maul would be seen as leader of the Collective, so he imprisoned him along with his brother. He demanded the assassin to say who sent him here, but not a word was spoken. Obi-Wan draws the two brothers away from the pirates, and manages to cut off Savage's arm. "Darth Maul and his brother Savage Opress are loose in the galaxy. The Jedi Council sends a task force of Jedi to bring them to justice"--Provided by publisher. [1] But Sidious instructed Maul to get him Vilmarh Grahrk via holo-transmitter, to which the Zabrak obeyed. Grievous was locked in the brig, while Maul tempted Dooku to join him. Maul, undeterred, could detect a glimmer of the light side residing within Vader and refused to address him by his Sith name; to the Zabrak, this was Anakin Skywalker before him. In a secret facility on Coruscant, Maul constructed much of the gear and gadgets that he used on his missions, including his signature speeder bike Bloodfin and the Dark Eye seeker droids. Pavan barely makes it into a public area where Maul cannot follow, and unwittingly gives the holocron to Senator Palpatine of Naboo, not realizing that Palpatine is Maul's Sith Master. Maul angrily stated that he and Savage served no one and that they were brothers, the true Lords of the Sith. After foiling that very scheme, Maul asked himself: Are Hutts really afraid of anything? Having no knowledge of Darth Plagueis, Maul never knew that his master answered to another master, and thus believed himself to be the second half of the Rule of Two. When it came to Jun-Fan, he began to choke Maul declaring that his evil was at an end, but Maul used his cybernetic legs to fatally wound Jun-Fan. And you are the apprentice.” “Three of your captains have joined me already.” “There is a price to pay for disobedience. [45], A sly and mysterious Anacondan named Morley was slithering away in fright from one of Lotho Minor's gigantic machines, the Fire-breather. [22], Years before the Invasion of Naboo, Maul, possibly under Sidious' orders, imprisoned the Umbaran Sly Moore in a tomb somewhere in the Cron Drift after he kidnapped her. [39], On Sidious' instructions, Maul traveled to the Summit Farm Blossom Winery and met former Royal Naboo Security Forces chief Maris Magneta, who had served under Naboo's previous monarch, King Ars Veruna. Jabba lifted his arm to point at the object in the distance and his suspicions were soon confirmed by Bib Fortuna who informed his master that what he saw seemed to be a contraption favored by the Sith. Maul later wondered whether Sidious and Trezza—if they ever met before in the first place—used Kracko to see if Maul would expose his power under pressure. Mass Maul on Malachor in Star Wars Rebels.. While surprised at Sidious' aspect, for he had never seen his dark master appear so happy, Maul inwardly felt that as long as the former was distracted, the latter's mistakes on Tatooine no longer mattered. "When Darth Maul and his brother's murderous rampage is interrupted by a bounty placed on their heads, they target the man who set the bounty and find the Jedi waiting for them"--Provided by publisher. [1][19][12] Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were the Jedi selected to attempt to 'appease' the Neimoidian anarchists. However, he welcomed the shame, for it fed his anger and let him sink further into the darkness, fueling his strength and power. He discovered that out of fifty-eight ships, only one went by without giving its identification: it was bound for Corulag in the Corulus system. With his severed lower body replaced by a pair of large cybernetic legs and abdomen, and his cranial horns having grown to over three times their original length, Maul was consumed with greater hatred than ever before and clearly never resumed contact with his former master, having dedicated his new life to avenging himself on the man who had bested him. KEEP READING: The Clone Wars Homaged a Harrison Ford Movie (And It Wasn't Star Wars). In 20 BBY, three years into the Clone Wars, Talzin sent Maul's brother, Savage Opress, the ousted apprentice of Maul's Sith successor, on a quest to find the fractured man who dwelled in the depths of Lotho Minor. The Prophets Of The Dark Side Believed He Would Be A Better Sith Than Darth Vader When Maul asked how long it would take for him to continue without using the Force and what plans were made for him, Sidious replied that he may take him as his apprentice one day. [62], The final demise of Darth Maul at the hands of Darth Vader on Kalakar Six, Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a dark side splinter group called the Prophets of the Dark Side managed to bring Darth Maul back from the dead. Biographical information After Sidious released the duo, all three Sith then drew their weapons—Sidious with dual blades to even the odds—and began to duel.
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